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Aiko 4 Base information

 This is information of Aiko4 Base

* Aiko 4 base 

* Aiko4 , Filosophy HairSchool Girl Uniform for A4


* Aiko4, MH Anny for A4, Lolipop Hair, BATs CasualE

 Aiko 4 base requires  Victoria4 .
Before you install Aiko4, you need to install Victoria 4 . Aiko 4 can use Victoria4's morph targets.


  • figure 
  • pose 
    •  pose to injection Aiko4 information to Victoria4
    • Mat pose to apply texure like anime.

 This dat is figure.

 You can put this figure by double click on Aiko4 (DAZ People in Figures category at library). Or, after you put Victoria4 on stage, and double click on INJ pose(DAZ's Victoria4 in Poses category), you can it too.

 Aiko 4 have some full body morph. you can change body shape and head shape.

*Full body morph

*head morph

 This is poses.

 You can inject all morph by applying "INJ Aiko V4" at "DAZ's Victoria 4/Injection morphs in Poses category". You can inject morphs one by one, too.

 Next, Pose to apply texture.

 This is good to Aiko 4.


 This is figure like Japanese animation.  

Aiko 4 Base


Related: Aiko4 Startar Pack information  Aiko4 Startar Pack information 

next: Cosplay Costume 11 for V4/A4 ( Power Girl )
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